Joe Mc Cusker

Joe Mc Cusker

Recruitment Consultant (Sales) 0450 672 974 Linkedin Profile

Joe Mc Cusker has strong professional background spanning six years at Indeed. He brings a wealth of experience in sales within the UK and Irish markets, catering to both employers and staffing agencies. 
The mantra, 'Shy babies get no sweeties,' is what Joe lives by, and it's his approach to both personal and professional endeavours. It's a philosophy that drives him to embrace challenges head-on and seek out opportunities for growth and success. 
Beyond the confines of the workplace, Joe's interests extend to sports, socialising and indulging in the thrill of a good pub quiz. Having recently relocated to Australia, he's eagerly exploring his new surroundings.

Consultant Jobs

Joe Mc Cusker

Recruitment Consultant (Sales)

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